Monday, February 15, 2010

One more negative review about Mahagun in Crossing Republic project

One more negative  review about Mahagun with its project in Crossing republic.

Re-producing the text:


Posted: 2010-02-03 by Abc 

Common cheating practices
I would like to make aware the buyers about comman cheating practices of builders.

1 Builder charges PLC for preferred locations. But on the allotment letter they don't mention PLC . They increase the base price to accomodate PLC. Later they modify their layout, and buyers have no claim over it. Mahagun has done it in crossing republic.

2 Builder always reserve the write to increase the no. of flat. In later stage by bribing the authorities they have inrease in FAR limit. They construct more flats and make the building congested.
Source :

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