Saturday, August 27, 2011

Re: Mahagunpuram rate revised...wef 27.08.2011

Here is revised rate image:
[Click to zoom]


Gyani said...

Seems, Greater Noida crisis is having positive impact on projects along NH24.

Anand Kumar Sharma said...

"[Mahagunpuram]" We will receive letters for Full and Final Payment in December, 2011.

Gyani said...

Is it applicable to those who are in CLP (Construction Lin Plan). If so, how bank will disburse amount, even though, it is not completed to final stage?

Manoj Kumar Dhankhar said...

@Anand Singh: Do you mean that possession will be in dec2011?

Anonymous said...

i have checked with mahagun office, they said first phase will be offered possession in dec11 but truely speaking it dosen't seems realistic as per current progress.