Hi All,
Mahagun builder should be wise about investers, who had a big faith on them.
today i had a discussion that the letters has been dispatched to all the flat owners for past dues and interest. but not explained most of the things.
As per the market survey mahgun builder always give the panelties payment if any delay in possision. let see if they maintain the same story in our projects and future projects.
I appreciate the mahagun builder if they write some thing and clear the same on blog and break the suspence.
Deepak Pandey
Deepak Pandey
As I am actively tracking Real estate across India, I have observed that Mahagun has already lost its premium position with lots of Negative wave floating in the market.. If these people do not wake on time, soon they will be history..
True Mahagun is getting negative publicity but the clause that people are talking about is with every developer. If we want to change we have get it done through regulations and policies. Late payment penalties is levied by all the developers be it the big guns or newbies. I have also been following real estate for quiet sometime now. Instead of targetting one developer we should raise voice to the government and see to it some clarity is made on this.
Like us, buyers, developers are also dependent on timely payments by buyers to make progress (as they say) and that is the reason they levy late payment because their project's pace gets affected by the late payments of few buyers. the matter is complicated and needs a policy or awakening by one and all.
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