Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mahagunpuram- Happy New Year

Hi Guys

During my recent visit to the site, I was told by sales team that the post dated penalty  cheques for 3 months from Jan --March, 2012  are likely to be despatched soon. Let us hope they keep their word.

Site staff sounded very confident that the possession would begin from June,12 .

However, looking at the physical progress n pace of work, it seems very unlikely. Let us keep our fingers crossed.

I take this opportunity to wish a bright,prosperous, healthy n happy New Year to all the members of Mahagunpuram  and their families and looking forward to see you all in your flats sooner than later.

May your new house bring all the happiness n prosperity and God Bless you all

Baldev Raj Kakar

Monday, December 26, 2011

Mahagun Mahagunpuram project status : Site Picture : 25 December 2011


Here is the latest pictures [Click to zoom]
My guess is that you should expect possession by Oct-2012.

Mahagunpuram arcade



Front Gate View

Front View

Highway view Ridhi

Vidhi, Vinayak, Ridhi

Mahagunpuram Highway View

Night front view

Phase 2, Narmada and Kaveri

Phase 2

Friday, December 23, 2011

"[Mahagunpuram]" - Any news on Possestion

Hi All,

Any idea how close we are for getting the keys of our house in mahagunpuram phase 1, can someone pls share the snaps of recent developments
Thanks in advance and wishing u all a MERRY X'MAS and a Happy New Year!!!


[Mahagunpuram] Message from Admin


I just saw 5 comments in a row from a person named "Anynomous" in the last posting. The comments are disgusting.

My reply is that, If you don't know anything about a topic, at least keep your mouth shut. Don't spread negative about any topic.

Our blog has a flexibility to let you comment, without login/publishing your name. i.e. Anonymously. But of late it has been observed that few people has started "abusing" this facility, forcing us to change this. Now onwards, you need to login to comment on any topic. Thanks for your understanding.

At least, we will be knowing who is this mascot, who wear "anonymous" name... I don't know, why to hide yourself, if you can stand with your comments.

All the Anonymous comments in the particular topic will be deleted shortly.


Friday, December 16, 2011

14 लेन एक्सप्रेसवे के बीच में भरेंगे फर्राटा : NH24 Widening update

प्रोजेक्ट एक नजर.

कुल लंबाई - 14 किलोमीटर

कुल लेन - 14

टोल लेन - बीच की 8 लेन (टोल लेन के दोनों तरफ 3-3 लेन की सड़क होगी)

टोल प्लाजा (2)- 1. यूपी गेट 2. डासना गेट

डेडलाइन - 2015

निर्माण एजेंसी - एनएचएआई (जरूरत पड़ने पर जीडीए, नोएडा अथॉरिटी, ग्रेनो अथॉरिटी से फंड लिया जा सकता है)

यदि बाइक या कार की स्पीड 60 किमी प्रतिघंटा हो, ट्रैफिक नॉर्मल हो तो एनएच-24 पर यूपी गेट से डासना तक जाने में करीब 20 मिनट लगते हैं। पीक आवर में जब जाम लगा हो तब घड़ी देखना बेमानी है। 14 किलोमीटर की दूरी तय करने में एक घंटा तो लग ही जाता है। जब तक रोड चौड़ी नहीं हो जाती, एनएच-24 पर ऐसी हालत बनी रहेगी। इससे मुक्ति मिलेगी 2015 में, जब निजामुद्दीन (दिल्ली) से मेरठ के बीच कुल 64 किलोमीटर लंबा एक्सप्रेस-वे बन जाएगा। मेरठ एक्सप्रेस-वे का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा होगा, यूपी गेट से डासना के बीच बनने वाली टोल रोड। इसके बनते ही गाडि़यां 15 मिनट के भीतर यूपी गेट से डासना तक पहुंच जाएंगी। केंद्र सरकार ने अपने इस प्रोजेक्ट को आंशिक सहमति दे दी है।

क्या है प्रोजेक्ट :

यूपी गेट से डासना तक टोल रोड 

मेरठ एक्सप्रेस वे का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा )

ले आउट पर विमर्श अगले हफ्ते केंद्रीय सड़क परिवहन एवं हाइवे मंत्रालय के आधिकारिक सूत्रों के अनुसारराष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग नंबर 24 का फाइनल शेप अगले सप्ताह होने वाली महत्वपूर्ण मीटिंग में तय होगा। इस मीटिंग मेंनोएडा जीडीए ग्रेटर नोएडा और राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग प्राधिकरण के अधिकारी शामिल होंगे। 

करीब छह महीने पहले एनएच 24 को चौड़ा करने को लेकर चीफ सेक्रेटरी अनूप मिश्रा ने लखनऊ में मीटिंगबुलाई थी। इस मीटिंग में एक निगरानी समिति बनाई गई थी जिसमें नोएडा अथॉरिटी के सीनियर प्रोजेक्टइंजीनियर संदीप चंद्रा जीडीए के चीफ इंजीनियर आर के सिंह और पीडब्ल्यूडी के चीफ इंजीनियर आर एसयादव को शामिल किया गया था। 

कोट ...

मेरठ एक्सप्रेस वे की कुल लंबाई 64 किलोमीटर रखी गई है। यूपी गेट से एनएच -24 को 14 लेन का बनायाजाएगा। इसके बीच की आठ लेन पर टोल प्लाजा बनाने की प्लानिंग की है। यह प्लान केंद्र सरकार का है। 

संदीप चंद्रा समिति सदस्य निगरानी समिति 

वर्ष तक अटका रहा प्लान 

केंद्र और यूपी गवर्नमेंट के बीच एनएच 24 को चौड़ा करने मामला पिछले पांच साल से अटका है। वर्ष 2006 सेयह प्रोजेक्ट सिर्फ कागजों में ही यह प्रोजेक्ट दौड़ रहा है। जनवरी 2011 में केंद्रीय मंत्री ने राज्यसभा में मेरठएक्सप्रेस वे और राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग को चौड़ा करने का प्लान पेश किया था। दिसंबर 2011 में केंद्रीय सड़कपरिवहन मंत्री जितिन प्रसाद ने राज्यसभा में इस प्रोजेक्ट पर काम जल्द शुरू कराने का वादा किया गया है।


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

उपाध्यक्ष कर सकेंगे अपार्टमेंट अधिनियम के तहत कार्रवाई : What to do if builders do not listen?

गाजियाबाद, वरिष्ठ संवाददाता
गाजियाबाद विकास प्राधिकरण के उपाध्यक्ष नरेंद्र कुमार चौधरी अब अपार्टमेंट अधिनियम के अधिकार के तहत विभागीय योजनाओं में कार्रवाई कर सकेंगे। शासनादेश के बाद प्रदेश के सभी विकास प्राधिकरण से जुड़े उपाध्यक्ष को अधिनियम के अधिकार सौंपे गए है। इसके बाद उपाध्यक्ष सीधे आम लोगों की शिकायत पर कार्रवाई करेंगे।
उत्तर प्रदेश अपार्टमेंट निर्माण, स्वामित्व और अनुरक्षण का संवर्धन नियमावली, 2011 के अंतर्गत अब जीडीए उपाध्यक्ष भवनों के अलावा बिल्डरों द्वारा बनाए मकान व बिल्डिंग में आने वाली समस्याओं के बारे में कार्रवाई करेंगे। उल्लेखनीय है कि जीडीए के अलावा निजी बिल्डरों द्वारा बनाए जाने वालो मकानों में कई तरह की समस्याएं रहती है। मकान की बिक्री के बाद बिल्डर आम लोगों की समस्याएं सुनने की बजाय कतराते है। ऐसे में आम लोग पुलिस की शरण लेते हैं। जो सीधे तौर पर बिल्डरों के खिलाफ कार्रवाई नहीं कर पाते हैं। लेकिन नए नियम के तहत उपाध्यक्ष ऐसे लोगों के खिलाफ कार्रवाई करेंगे। अभी तक महानगर में बिल्डरों के यहां पानी, सीवर और अन्य तरह की सुविधाओं को लेकर लोग शिकायत करते है। ऐसा बिल्डरों द्वारा किए गए वायदों को न निभाने पर होता है।
जीडीए उपाध्यक्ष नरेंद्र कुमार चौधरी ने बताया कि शासनादेश के अनुसार अब प्राधिकरण के उपाध्यक्ष अपार्टमेंट अधिनियम तहत कार्रवाई कर सकते है। इससे पूर्व वह अधिनियम में कार्रवाई नहीं कर सकते थे। शासनादेश के बाद अब विकास प्राधिकरण और उपाध्यक्ष के अधिकारों को ओर मजबूती मिलेगी। साथ ही अपार्टमेंट योजनाओं में आने वाली परेशानियों से बचा जा सकेगा।


Friday, December 9, 2011

[Mahagunpuram] Penalty on Late Payment

Hello All,
I had a question about the Penalty charges to be levied by Mahagun due to late payments by us/ by bank against the Demand Letters sent by Mahagun. As per the contract, any payments delayed by more than 15 days from the date of Demand, attracts a penalty @ 16% p.a. for the number of days of delay.
Now, considering that I have never received their demand letters on time (although the date of demand is as per the payment schedule under the Flexi Payment plan) and the subsequent delay by the bank in payment disbursal, I think Mahagun will be charging me a very hefty penalty at the time of possession.
Anybody in similar situation or have any idea in this matter?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

[Mahagunpuram - Additional Payment]

Hi All,

I have got the call from the greatest builder "Shri Mahagun" to make Additional Payment which was suppose to be paid on possession  else there wll not be any penalty applicable from  Jan, considering the fact that phase 1 possession seems atleast a year far from the date, I have made the payment.

What about everybody , had everybody made the last payment?

Monday, December 5, 2011

Demand Letter Received.

Friends, just to inform all in CLP plan; the 7th installment [roof top slab] is already out. For riddhi tower last date was 17-Nov-2011.
Further, you should expect 8th installment soon, as the plaster work is on fast pace.

For those who are in flexi plan, might already have got the demand letter corresponding to 5% on possession one.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Update on NH24 widening

Here is a positive news about NH24 widening.

Meanwhile, has anybody received demand letter corresponding to Roof slab?


Development of NH-24 & NH-58 has been considered as a combined project with Delhi-Meerut Expressway under National Highway Development Programme (NHDP) Phase- VI to be implemented by NHAI. The proposed alignment of Delhi-Meerut Expressway will start from Nizamuddin Bridge and will continue along NH-24 upto Dasna and will end at Meerut . Final Feasibility Study Report of the project which also includes 6- lining of Dasna – Hapur section of NH-24 and 6-lining of Delhi to Meerut section of NH-58 submitted by the consultant is under examination. The estimated expenditure of the project will be decided after finalization of the Feasibility Report. Proposed date of completion of Expressways under NHDP Phase- VI is December, 2015.This information was given by the Minister of State of Road Transport and Highways,Shri Jitin Prasada, in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today. SK/kd (Release ID :78046)
Source :

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Friends, I am posting this information taken from another forum. Please see the original post @  

[mahagunmascot] Mahagun has robbed me of my entire life savings

I booked a flat in Mahagun Mascot in December 2007. My flat is located in 2nd floor of tower Milano. I am a software engineer by profession and working with a company in Gurgaon. I have been saving up for almost 10 years now for this and was happy to be finally able to purchase a home after struggling all my life. My disabled retired mother who worked for the government for 38 years entrusted all her life savings into this flat. She could never afford a house in her working years and was happy to see my dream come true. We needed a flat which as at a lower floor so that we don't depend on the elevator. My mother has been ill since here retirement and can barely climb a few steps. We also needed a sun facing flat which will get sunlight during the winters. The flat no.218 seemed a good choice. I was concerned when I saw a building block shown in the brochure right in-front of my tower as it would block the natural light. The Mahagun sales person Mr. Bhupesh Sinha however reassured me that the shopping building is just a single storey building and in no way would it obstruct a 2nd floor flat. Also he explained this by showing the brochure where the drawing clearly indicates the shopping complex building as a single storey building. I trusted the representation made in the brochure and the sales pitch. I had possibly made the biggest mistake of my life.

Every thing seemed well for the first two years and the construction activity was carrying on with a good pace. But by early 2010 I started seeing problems with their work. Mahagun has promised to hand over the flat by March 2010 as committed in the possession letter agreement. Inspection made in January 2010 revealed that it will easily take 18-20 months more for them to finish. However I overlooked the slow pace and hoped things will pick-up. In December 2010 I made another visit and I found the shopping complex was being constructed just 6 Meters away from my flat. Also I could notice that the building was being raised three stories above ground. This was a shock because in the sales brochure the `Shopping Complex' is shown as just a single storey building. This would mean the shopping complex would completely block the view, sunlight and air-ventilation of my 2nd floor flat. I approached Mahagun with my grievance but they won't listen. I had no other option but to file a complaint in the consumer forum. The forum heard my plea and granted a stay on construction of the shopping complex beyond the ground floor level. The other problem is that the shopping complex is constructed just 6 Meters away from the high rise tower building Milano and Ferrara. This is in complete violation of building bye-laws. The building bye-laws mandate a 15 Meter wide open-space/setback for towers of height 60 Meters and above (like Ferrara and Milano
). This 15 Meter wide setback is required for any kind of fire-fighting and rescue operation by a fire tender. This essentially means that that the residents of tower Milano and Ferrara are not safe in the event of a fire and the residents would have to bear this risk without any fault of their own. Even if there is a small fire in any of these towers the fire fighting apparatus such as a fire-tender cannot help extinguish the fire due to the reduced space. Please bear in mind that these are not simple four storey buildings but are 20 storeys tall. Higher the building more is the space required by emergency services. All the other towers within Mascot have been provided with the mandatory 15 meter wide setback except Milano and Ferrara which have denied this due to the presence of the shopping complex. The Milano and Ferrara residents are being forced to accept the risk as they have no other option as full price for the flat has been paid. I have documented how Mahagun got an approval for the shopping complex building from Ghaziabad Development Authority via collusion and misrepresentation. This has been shared in the forum and is available in the FILES section of the forum. In summary I can say that bribes were paid to GDA officer to approve the shopping complex building plan in violation of the applicable bye-laws.

Since the start of this year I have been fighting a lone battle against Mahagun in courts. After taking full price for a house it is most unfair to make people live in a hazardous environment. In a country where public safety laws are non-existent as evident from UPHAAR fire tragedy and several other similar mishaps, it is essential to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the first place.

In October Mahagun called me for a meeting. The Mahagun directors Dheeraj Jain and Amit Jain shamefully threatened me that the flat won't be handed over to me till I withdraw the case against them. I explained to them the risk created by the shopping complex and how it will effect the residents but they refused to listen. They know about the building bye-law violation and the resultant risk but they just don't care. By threatening and harassing me they think they can get away with this. It's not just one person but 1200 people (residents of the Ferrara, Milano, Verona and Bettina) that are endangered by the shopping complex. Towers Verona and Bettina are affected due to their proximity to Ferrara and Milano and absence of side setbacks.

This has been a nightmare for me. I have lost all my life saving including the life savings of my mother in this venture. I have incurred lacks of rupees in litigation expenses. I am paying EMI for a home loan taken for a home that will not be handed over to me. I have developed health problems and was forced to stay out of work for 3 months. I am mentally and physically exhausted. I never thought buying a house will bring me so much trouble. I guess this is the price I must pay for standing-up against corruption. However I have decided to continue this fight this evil till the bitter end.

I want the residents of the affected towers (Milano and Ferrara) to be aware of this risk and be prepared for any eventuality. Also future buyer should be aware of the true colors of Mahagun. Don't be fooled by the colorful banners Mahagun has no conscience.

Mahagunpuram : Query regarding next demand letter

Anyone gets Demand letter for next installment?

Monday, November 7, 2011

[Mahagunpuram] : NH24 widening update: दिल्ली-मेरठ एक्सप्रेस-वे की डीपीआर तैयार

६५ किमी. लंबा एक्सप्रेस वे 8 से 16 लेन का होगा
८५० करोड़ रुपये होगी अनुमानित लागत, 2015 तक होगा तैयार

अमर उजाला ब्यूरो - 04 Nov 2011
गाजियाबाद। नेशनल हाईवे अथॉरिटी ऑफ इंडिया (एनएचएआई) ने दिल्ली-मेरठ एक्सप्रेस वे को मूर्त रूप देने की तैयारी कर ली है। एक्सप्रेस वे की डिटेल प्रोजेक्ट रिपोर्ट (डीपीआर) बनकर तैयार है। एसएनसी-लावालिन फर्म द्वारा तैयार डीपीआर के मुताबिक दिल्ली से मेरठ तक एक्सप्रेस की लंबाई 65 किलोमीटर होगी। एक्सप्रेस वे के निर्माण में करीब 850 करोड़ रुपये की लागत आने का अनुमान है। एक्सप्रेस वे की राह में आने वाली आबादी के लिए कई अंडरपास और ओवरब्रिज का निर्माण भी प्रस्तावित किया गया है। गाजियाबाद में एनएच-24 का यूपी गेट से डासना तक का हिस्सा (20.28 किमी.) एक्सप्रेस वे में शामिल है। यदि सब कुछ योजनानुसार हुआ तो 2015 तक एक्सप्रेस वे पर 120 किमी. प्रति घंटा की रफ्तार से वाहन दौड़ने लगेंगे।
डीपीआर के मुताबिक दिल्ली-मेरठ एक्सप्रेस वे का मुख्य मार्ग 6 से 8 लेन चौड़ा होगा। इसके दोनों तरफ दो से तीन लेन की सर्विस रोड बनाई जाएगी। एक्सप्रेस वे पहले 28 किलोमीटर में एनएच-24 से जुड़कर शुरू होगा। इतनी लंबाई में एक्सप्रेस वे 16 लेन का होगा। इसमें एक्सप्रेस वे की आठ लेन, एनएच-24 की छह लेन और दो लेन की सर्विस रोड शामिल होगी। इसके बाद एक्सप्रेस वे छह लेन और सर्विस रोड दो लेन की हो जाएगी। एक्सप्रेस वे में सात इंटरचेंज (रिंग रोड, एनएच-91, ईस्टर्न पेरीफेरल एक्सप्रेस वे, मोदी नगर-हापुड़ रोड, एनएच-235 और एनएच-58) बनेंगे। एक्सप्रेस वे की राह में आने वाली हिंडन नदी, हिंडन कट कैनाल, अपर गंगा कैनाल पर पुल बनाए जाएंगे। एक्सप्रेस वे के लिए करीब 700 हेक्टेयर जमीन का अधिग्रहण किया जाएगा। एनएचआईए के मेरठ परिक्षेत्र के अधिकारी एके मिश्रा ने बताया कि दिल्ली-मेरठ एक्सप्रेस वे की डीपीआर तैयार हो गई है। प्रोजेक्ट पीपीपी मोड पर बीओटी के आधार पर बनाया जाएगा। एक्सप्रेस वे में जरूरत के लिहाज से अंडरपास, ब्रिज और अन्य जरूरी निर्माण कराए जाएंगे।

नहीं बनेगा बैक टू बैक यू-टर्न
गाजियाबाद। अर्थला पर प्रस्तावित बैक टू बैक यू-टर्न में पेंच फंस गया है। बैक टू बैक शैली में यू-टर्न बनाने के लिए जीडीए ने कमर कस ली थी। इस शैली में बनने वाले यू-टर्न के जरिये सड़क के दोनों ओर का ट्रैफिक एक ही जगह से लेन बदल सकता है। इस खास यू-टर्न के लिए करीब दस लेन सड़क के बराबर जगह की जरूरत थी। हिंडन पुल से मोहननगर की ओर जाने वाली सड़क पर तो जमीन उपलब्ध है लेकिन दूसरी तरफ भूमि नहीं मिल पा रही है। इन हालात में जीडीए ने गाजियाबाद से मोहननगर जाने वाली रोड पर हिंडन पुल से करीब 450 मीटर आगे एक ही लेन का यू-टर्न बनाने पर सहमति दे दी। जीडीए सीएटीपी जीएस गोयल ने बताया कि जमीन न मिल पाने के कारण पहले चरण में सड़क के एक ओर यू-टर्न बनाने पर सहमति बनी है। लोनी रोड, मोहननगर से आने वाले ट्रैफिक को सेल्स टैक्स चौराहे से मोड़ा जाएगा। अगले चरण में लोनी रोड चौराहे को विकसित किया जाएगा।

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

"[Mahagunpuram]" - Recent site snaps

Hello everyone,

can some one please post the recent snaps form Mahagaunpuram site, howz the development going there?
Are we getting the possestion in dec?

Sandeep Pandey

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Complaint Letter Against Mahagunpuram

Hi All,

In my opinion, our individual letters will not have any effect on these shameless people. I am pasting below the reply I had got on my mail earlier. I am sure many of us would have got the same reply as these people are just doing cut paste job while replying.We have lost our money so this is none of their concern. Just to avoid any legal hassles later, they do a formality of replying.

I suggest we all meet and take aggressive actions like calling media or filing legal case.


Anaam Tiwary


Mahagunpuram - Good News : Some more progress on NH 24 widening

NEW DELHI: The government on Wednesday said it has approved building over 1,000 kms of expressways under its flagship road building programme NHDP, entailing an investment of Rs 16,680 crore.

The projects include 400 km long Vadodara-Mumbai, 66 km long Delhi-Meerut, 334 km long Bangalore-Chennai, and 277 km Kolkata-Dhanbad expressways.

"The construction of 1,000 kms of expressways under the National Highways Development Project (NHDP) Phase-VI through Public Private Partnership (PPP) at a total cost of Rs 16,680 crore has been approved by the Union Government," Road Transport and Highways Ministry said in a statement.

In addition, there is a proposal to develop the National Expressway II -- Eastern Peripheral Expressway-- connecting NH-1 near Kundli and terminating on NH-2 near Palwal.

"The proposal to establish the Expressways Authority of India (EAI) on the pattern of the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has been there at the discussion stage which has not culminated in any concrete shape," the statement said.

The government has earlier announced plans to set up EAI to facilitate building of over 18,000 km of roads catering to high-speed traffic at a cost of about Rs 4,50,000 crore.

As far as Vadodara-Mumbai Expressway is concerned, it said preparation of a detailed project report (DPR) for the entire project is under progress and implementation of the project on public-private-partnership mode will be initiated after DPR.

Feasibility study of the Vadodara-Mumbai Expressway was to be completed by October 2009. However, there were delays as in course of feasibility study additional length of about 94 km had to be added for connectivity between NH-4 and JNPT within outer Mumbai region in Maharashtra.

About Delhi-Meerut Expressway it said, "Feasibility study of this project which also includes 6-laning of Dasna-Hapur section of NH-24 and 6-laning of Delhi to Meerut is in progress."

Bangalore-Chennai feasibility study is being carried out, it said. "The alignment of the expressway has been finalised. The approval from the State Government of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu has been obtained."

On Kolkata-Dhanbad Expressway, the statement said that initially the response of bidders to the project was not very encouraging, with only single bid received and the project had to be restructured. The DPR is in progress, it added.

It had plans to build 18,637 km of expressways in three phases by 2022.

Expressways are high density corridors that facilitate faster flow of traffic between two destinations.

The Road Transport and Highways Ministry in 2008 had hired a consultant for formulating the Master Plan for the national expressway network in a phased manner.

The 11th Five-Year Plan (2007-12) also suggested setting up the EAI to formulate and implement expressways under the Master Plan.


Saturday, October 15, 2011


Guys below is mail where customer is writing to mahagun director for project mahagun mascot they are simply cheating i feel i made buggest mistake of taking flat in mahagun ... they simply "-----------------------"

Dear Director,
Mahagun Mascot
Crossing  republic 
        Sir,You have started handing over the flats in mascot but the big question comes in our mind that have U ever visited the site to check the quality of the product,if yes is it at par the reputation of Mahagun. Certainly not it is our request to U to have a brief inspection for the quality of material & the workmanship.
To start with the plaster inside the flat is of very poor quality,internal doors handle & paint on it gives the impression of Janta flat .No light & mirror provided in the washroom (it comes under standard fitting). Even no light in kitchen aiso.No grouting done in the bathroom .Fittings in the bathroom & electric switches are mere average standard.
                     I have already sent you three e-mail describing that I have not got the physical possession of my flat till first of october. On 09th oct I called GM Prasant, he told me he is in process of making my flats and the building CREMA habitable and he promised he will call me after that for possession. Now if CREMA is not habitable why you should not pay me the delay penalty for the month of july,august and september 2011. I also want to highlight that till I get physical possession Iam not liable to pay any maintenance  and electric/DG charges.Hope for an urgent intervention from your side,If possible I would like to meet you if being called.
thanking you
FLAT NO:- 1647 AND 1149

Sunday, October 2, 2011

News about upcoming metro lines near Ghaziabad

Guys .. here is some news about Ghaziabad metro, after a long time:

नोएडा ग्रेटर नोएडा में प्रॉपर्टी खरीदने वालों के लिएअच्छी खबर है। आनेवाले दिनों में इन दोनों शहरों कोएनसीआर के अन्य शहरों से बेहतर तरीके से जोड़ने केलिए नोएडा - ग्रेटर नोएडा अथॉरिटी ने एक प्लान तैयारकिया है। इस प्लान में रोड और मेट्रो , दोनों प्रकार केनेटवर्क पर फोकस किया गया है।

नोएडा - ग्रेटर नोएडा में 28 किमी के मेट्रो नेटवर्क केअलावा 6 बड़ी और प्रमुख सड़कों की प्लानिंग है। नोएडा- ग्रेटर नोएडा को मेट्रो के द्वारा नोएडा एक्सटेंशन से भीजोड़ने की प्लानिंग है। जीनआईडीए ( ग्रेटर नोएडाडिवेलपमेंट अथॉरिटी ) के सीईओ का कहना है कि दिल्लीऔर एनसीआर के बीच मेट्रो नेटवर्क का डीपीआर ( डिटेलप्रोजेक्ट रिपोर्ट ) तैयार व अप्रूव हो चुका है। अब फंडजुटाया जा रहा है।

प्लानिंग के मुताबिक 28 किमी के नोएडा - ग्रेटर नोएडा लाइन पर 19 स्टेशन होंगे। इस पर करीब 5 हजारकरोड़ की लागत आने का अनुमान है। इस लइन के लिए मिट्टी परीक्षण जल्द ही शुरू होने की संभावना है।नोएडा - ग्रेटर नोएडा को एनसीआर के अन्य शहरों जैसे गाजियाबाद , फरीदाबाद , गुड़गांव आदि से बेहतरतरीके से जोड़ने के लिए एक कनेक्टिविटी चेन का प्रस्ताव है। इसके तहत अधिकारियों ने दो मेट्रो लिंक काप्रस्ताव रखा है।

पहले लिंक के तहत सेक्टर 32 या सिटी सेंटर तक जा रही मेट्रो को सेक्टर 62 तक ले जाने का प्रस्ताव है औरआगे इसे दिल्ली के गाजीपुर से जोड़ने की सोची गई है। यह मेट्रो लाइन गाजीपुर , कल्याण पुरी , मयूर विहारफेज -1, सराय काले खां , मूलचंद , एम्स और भीकाजी कामा आदि इलाकों को कवर करेगी। मेट्रो लिंक 2 कोसेक्टर 18 से बढ़ा कर एनएच -8 तक ले जाने की तैयारी है। इसी के जरिए गुड़गांव और फरीदाबाद से नोएडा -ग्रेटर नोएडा को क्रमश : सेंट्रल सेक्रेटेरियट और बदरपुर के जोड़ने की सोची गई है।

डिवेलपमेंट के तीन फेज 
इस मेट्रो प्रोजेक्ट को गाजियाबाद में तीन फेज में अमल में लाया जा रहा है। पहले फेज में वैशाली तक मेट्रो कीशुरुआत हो चुकी है। 2.8 किमी लंबी इस लिंक लाइन से राजीव चौक ( कनॉट प्लेस ) का सीधा जुड़ाव है। इसेआगे इंदिरापुरम तक बढ़ा कर नोएडा सेक्टर 62 के रास्ते सेक्टर 32 से जोड़ा जाएगा। यह एक्सटेंशन फेज 2 काहिस्सा है। इसके लिए डीएमआरसी और गाजियाबाद डिवेलपमेंट अथॉरिटी के द्वारा सर्वे का काम किया जा चुकाहै। वैशाली - इंदिरापुरम लाइन बाद में नोएडा क्रॉसिंग -62, प्रताप विहार , शाहपुर के रास्ते महरौली से जोड़ीजाएगी। इस लाइन की लंबाई 16 किमी होगी। फेज 3 में गाजियाबाद बस स्टैंड और कश्मीर गेट के बीच जुड़ावहोगा। यह साइन 12 किमी लंबी होगी। इस पर करीब 18 सौ करोड़ रुपये के खर्च का अनुमान है।

नोएडा - ग्रेटर नएडा और गाजियाबाद के अधिकारियों ने क्नेक्टिविटी को नए सिरे से परिभाषित करने की योजनाबनाई है। इसके तहत गाजियाबाद में 17 नए फ्लाईओवरों का निर्माण किया जाएगा। तीन फ्लाईओवर तो अगलेपांच साल में ही बन जाएंगे। इसलके लिए यूपी स्टेट बिर्ज कारपोरेशन के साथ एक समझौता किया गया है।

सड़क नेटवर्क 
जहां तक सड़क नेटवर्क की बात है तो परथला से जेवर के बीच 130 मीटर चौड़ी सड़क बनाई जाएगी। इसकीलंबाई 28 किमी होगी। हापुड़ से परी चौक के बीच 213 किमी लंबी और 105 मीटर चौड़ी सड़क बनेगी। नूरनगर से एलजी चौक के बीच 60 मीटर चौड़ी सड़क प्रस्तावित है। इसी तरह एक और 60 मीटर चौड़ी सड़क सैनीसे कुरी खेड़ा तक 2013 में बन तक तैयार हो जाएगी। इन सभी सड़कों को नोएडा - ग्रेटर नोएडा एक्सटेंशन ,एक्सप्रेस - वे और ईस्टर्न पेरिफेरियल से जोड़ा जाएगा। 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mahagunpuram: How to write an RTI Application?

How to write an RTI Application?

  • Pre-requisites:
    • Your name, address, contact telephone number and your email id
    • Information about Public Information officer, name, address e.t.c. Locate central Government PIO's here! In case you have problems locating your PIO/APIO you can address your RTI application to the Pio C/o Head of Department and send it to the concerned Public Authority with the requisite application fee. The Head of Department will have to forward your application to the concerned PIO.
    • Do not adress your RTI application to the PIO by his name, just in case he gets transferred or a new PIO is designated in his place.
  • Are there any organization in Government not covered under RTI Act?
  • Mode of Payment available with CPIO, the fees, and Contact person to receive the application. (In most of the cases the Assistant Chief Public Information officer, ACPIO or directly the CPIO).
  • Public Authorities under the centre, states, legislatures and Supreme/High courts have framed separate rules for RTI. The amount of fees and the mode of payment varies and you should check the correct rules as applicable in your case.

    Generally, you can deposit your application fee via:
  • In person by paying cash [remember to take your receipt]
  • By Post through:
  • Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque
  • Indian Postal Order
  • Money orders (only in some states)
  • Affixing Court fee Stamp (only in some states)
  • Some state governments have prescribed some head of account. You are required to deposit fee in that account. For that, you can either go to any branch of SBI and deposit cash in that account and attach deposit receipt with your RTI application. Or you can also send a postal order or a DD drawn in favour of that account along with your RTI application. Please see respective state rules for complete details
  • For Public Authorities under Central RTI rules, DoPT has recently clarified that BC/DD/IPO can be in favour of "Accounts Officer". If the department or administrative unit does not have a Accounts Officer, they are supposed to designate someone, as per DoPT circular available here
  • Read this topic: How to Submit an RTI Application!  
  • Application Guidelines:
    While filing an RTI application, the framing of the questions is very important. A slight misunderstanding or vague questions gives the PIO a chance to reject your application. Follow these guidelines:
  • Use a white sheet of paper to write an application. There is no need to using Note-sheet, or the Court stamp paper. You can use your letter pad for asking for information.
  • The matter can be hand written, or typed. There is no compulsion of typing the content.
  • Make sure the application is legible and easy to read.
  • There is no restriction on number of pages for asking information.
  • There are also no restrictions on number of questions that can be asked in one application. However, it is generally advisable to ask restrict one application with limited set of questions and generally related ones.
  • NOTE: The state of Karnataka has recently passed a amendment to its RTI rules restricting the RTI application to one subject matter and to 150 words. Please see:
  • Be very specific & ask to the point questions. Don't ask vague questions.
  • Ask as many short questions as you like, but don't ask for voluminous information.
  • Ask information always by writing your name and signature, and not by your post, as only citizen have the right to information.
  • Do not ask a question containing 'WHY'! For example, questions like why you failed to pass the bill, is liable to be rejected for not covering under RTI Act.
  • You can ask for reasons behind a "administrative" or a "quasi-judicial" decision under Section 4(1)(d), especially if you are a "affected person"
  • If the information sought is voluminous, it is better to ask it in the form of CD to save on cost.
  • Remember that, you do not need to write the reason for asking the information.
  • Mention the payment details like BC/DD/IPO number, issuing bank/post office, date, cash receipt details , etc., towards the end of your application

·         How to submit a RTI Application

You will need a proof, that your RTI application has been received by the PIO. The tested methods to submit a RTI application are:

·                     Personally, by hand: Please ensure that you get your copy of the application and proof of payment duly stamped, signed and dated, either by the PIO or by the inward department
·                     Registered Post AD: The AD card will act as proof of submission, after it is returned to you by the postal department. In case the AD card does not come back with a proper stamp, signature and date of receipt, follow up with the despatching post office to get the AD card completed
·                     Speed Post (A postal department service): Do not use ordinary post, private courier companies, etc. since these will not provide you with a confirmed proof of delivery.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Re: Mahagunpuram : Navratra offer for new buyers

Advertisement in Times Of India, 29-Sep-2011
[Click to zoom]

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mahagunpuram : Navratra offer for new buyers

Mahagun is having some special offer for fresh booking in Navratra. Please see the below offer.

Navratra Offers
(28th September 2011 to 10th October 2011)

Phase-1 : -  Prices (DP)     :  Rs 2325 per sqft
Phase-2 : -  Prices (DP)     :  Rs 2025 per sqft
Phase-2 : -  Prices (Flexi) :   Rs 2225 per sqft

Above Prices are Exclusive of :                                                                                                  
Ø PLC (If any)
Ø Service Tax
Ø Additional Power Back-up
Ø Registry Charges
Ø Maintenance Charges
Ø Sinking Fund
Note : One AC Free with each Bedroom.

MAHAGUNPURAM: Additional Charges payment

Hi All

I got a call from Mahagun that we all need to pay additional charges by 30 sept 2011 however in Prospectus its mentioned on or before possession however MAHAGUN is demnding by 30 sept 2011.. Are everybody paying it. or refusing it. Thoughts Awaited

[Mahagunpuram] Latest advertisement: Possession by March 2012

Dear members, here comes the latest announcement…..

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

MAHAGUNPURAM !! PHASE 1 POSSESSION (Expected by mid-2012)


Friday, September 23, 2011

Mahagunpuram||Complaint against services

Dear Concerned,

I had booked a Unit no. 1418 in Siddhi tower of NH-24 project of yours at your Mahagunpuram site office on 28th Aug, 2011. We were assured that said tower would be 19 storey building and hence we booked our flat on 14th floor.  When we came to know from our broker that Siddhi would be a 14 storey building only, we decided to go for some other Unit as the person with whom we deal was not having this information initially. He allotted us the 1429 unit of Vinayak tower in replacement of that.

We visited to Mahagun corporate office on 12th sep for formalities to be completed for t/f of unit and met with Mr. Prateek. We handed over our previous booklet and receipt of 10% payment made in favor of 1418 unit to him as per his instructions and he got the new booklet filled by us in favor of 1429 unit of Vinayak tower. He also assured us that we would get the papers within a day or two. Accordingly, we kept calling him and received a standard statement from him – Wait for two more days.  Yesterday I called up Mr. Sachin and he also told me to Wait for two more days.  I want to know is this the pet dialogue of Mahagun marketing employees??? Either don’t make any commitment to clients and if you do so, ensure to fulfill it on time.

We also observed his weird behavior on our calls, might be bcoz we had been calling him again and again for our papers. But would like to highlight the reason of constant calls to him:

1.       Non execution of work related to papers as per his commitment
2.       Receipt of standard response
3.       Gave an excuse that director is not available in cityVery strange. I don’t think that only one person has authority to sign the required documents as there must be other Board of members in your company.

Had he given us the exact date, we would not  have called him up again and again.  We are also working and have loads of work instead of calling your employees for their pending works.  As an employee of brand name “Mahagun”, they should have given us the exact time require for processing of t/f of unit and not the rough idea.

Its been 11 days and we have not received any paper in favor of our new flat.  However, have spoken to Mr. Manish Pandey on Customer Care no. 0120-453 7777 and he told me that I can collect my papers tomorrow from corporate office. Please confirm me on this asap.


Seema Kapoor
Assistant Manager - Customer Care
Unicon Investment Solutions
P : 0120-4038000, Ext - 3044
P Save a tree...Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[Mahagunpuram] Few Suggestions

Hello All,

I have booked Flat no. 1272 in Kaveri Tower, Phase- II.
This group has been providing very useful information on Mahagunpuram.
But, I have observed that participation and interaction has been declining.
I have few suggestions to improve on this. 

1. Shouldn't we create a facebook group and move this group to facebook where we can control the privacy of the group. Facebook provides more control on the members joining the group. As most of us have daily access to facebook, we can have faster interaction on the posts.

2. Right now, blog contents are public. We should not provide easy access to the contents to non members so easily.

3. Screening of new members is required as there might be builder's insiders and brokers in this group. They might get access to our members database which can be passed to DSAs and marketing people.

4. Members should also keep in touch with each other by calling each other frequently. It is always good to hear the voice or meet those who might be our future members.

5. Meetings should be first held at any central location in delhi/NCR close to metro station. This might increase the attendance in the meetings.


[Mahagunpuram] Please add me..

Please add me as member. My cell no. is 9810823945. I have booked flat no. 715 in vidhi tower. I will try my best to attend the meeting slated for 24th Sept.2011.
Arun Kumar Nanda

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mahagunpuram: Any update of latest development


I have booked flat in Mahagunpuram phase 1, any idea on the possession as the date given was 30 sep 2011
Also can some one please share the snaps on the latest development
Sandeep Pandey

Monday, September 19, 2011



For the benefit of all our community member's, below is the complete analysis of the charges related to registry [with reference to my case]

Charges may appear in possession letter:

1) Meter Charges: 12500 + 10.3% Tax
2) Legal/Admin Charges: 12000 + 10.3% Tax
3) Any other due
4) Interest on late payment

Apart from these, you need to pay Court Fee of amount INR 10,200 in cash. This is new to me. Those who have already done registry, please put a light on this. Is it any kind of bribe? Will this amount vary in case of joint registry?

Registry amount is calculated as below:

1) 8% : Male Holder
2) 7% : Joint Holder
3) 7% less 10K : Female Holder

Component included into registry (In possession letter)

1) Basic Cost : This include basic rate + PLC
2) EDC
3) FFC
4) Legal and Admin charges
5) Meter Charges
6) Club Membership
7) Parking
8) Extra power backup etc...

I checked with 2-3 lawyers in Ghaziabad Tehsil (who specifically do registry of properties), and according to them registry of a flat is always done on Basic cost (including PLC) + Parking charges.
So, no doubt adding item no 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 above does not make sense. 

Otherwise also, these amount does not corresponds to 'Ownership'  of a 'Property'. So, I was also very clear from the day 1, about Registry includes only Basic cost+ Parking.

Now, coming on to difference in registry amount due to difference in the component included.
For my case, the difference in registry amount is approx 17,000. i.e. If I go with an independent lawyer, I may gain 17,000 as saving. But below  are the risk:

1) The lawyer indicated towards bribing Govt official in order to smooth processing on time. I anticipated this amount around 10,000; in which case the saving reduces to 7,000 only.
2) I heard that the text on stamp paper may have certain clauses specific to Mahagun as a seller. I am not very sure on this. But, if this is the case, you need to be fully sure that the stamp paper include all terms mandatory as per Mahagun. In case of failure, it may result to more trouble.
3) In case of any issue with registry arising later, an independent lawyer may not be available to help. While, we can always catch Mahagun for the same.

My Conclusion:
After going through all this, I have decide to go with Mahagun to have peace of mind. Also, I think the gain is not significant.

PS: Please add your experience too for the benefit of community members.